Matthew 5:4

As the number of days before me, begin to slide away with each rising of the sun, I can’t help but ask myself have I lived my life well since I surrendered my heart to Jesus? When my last day arrives, it will not be the accumulation of things that will give me everlasting richness and life-no they will stay behind where moths and rust will destroy-my relationship with Jesus is all that matters. I have forgiveness from all of my sins and stupidity, I have peace in the darkest of days, and this place on earth is just my temporary home. When I face my last day here, I know I will have regrets for all the things where I did it wrong, but I will rejoice in the one thing I did right: surrender my life to Jesus. I hope I will be known by my love for Him, and I hope I use my gifts to share that love, even though it may be clumsy and awkward. Amen.

9 thoughts on “Matthew 5:4

  1. Cecilia, I love this reminder of what is truly important. Thank you! And I saw your comment last night about your dear aunt and of her sudden passing. I’m praying for you in your grief and as you make all the necessary plans. You cared for her and loved her, and I know that God is pleased with you for all of that care. Blessings today and in the coming days, my friend.

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